Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been Wayy too Long

My Return to the blog, please excuse my absence.

As Always,

Pax, Amor et Musica

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ebony Eyes Weekly Wrap Up Vol. 3

Apologies for the lapse in postings...I had to get some things in order..

- Mr. Jackson

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Clean Up on Aisle 7

I have fallen off slightly. Not in the sense of my work ethic...although excessive sunlight, humidity, and torrential downpours do not entice me to write a thesis or research climate change in St. Louis anymore than a syllabus from my professor would.But, I have been going through some situations in my life, personal and my professional (which is still in its prepubescent stage) that have caused me to PAUSE....and take stock of my surroundings. Summer has been over for awhile in my neck of the woods, simply because I ceased having fun, when I was not working. Which, happened to be a majority of the summer. That was phase 1. Childish to say the least. I would sit on my couch, and pout, eat cartons of Breyers Strawberry Ice Cream, Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn, Flavor Blasted Goldfish, and drink herbal tea, all while watching 24 on the Tivo. Pathetic. In between these pouting sessions, workouts, errands, and small excursions would be intermittently scattered, but nothing seemed to break my emotional funk. But..after months of prayer, pouting and Nola telling me to man up..Marshalls called me. I did that job application the second week June. But they called. And I ceased being Jonathan "unemployed and senile" Jackson and became Mr. Giftware and Domestics. I am currently working towards a 75 cent pay raise, if my 45 day review is acceptable to my manager. what end was this post written? What possible point could he have by just giving a cluttered narrative about how boring and mundane his summer was? Simply put, to show growth, even of the most minuscule kind, is a necessity to furthering ones progression into the next phase of life. Boys II Men, i think not. We've been that. Men to Scholars, I accept that moniker with open arms.

" But the grace of God I am what I am..." I Corinthians 15:10

- Mr. Jackson

p.s. For all your home decor needs..i.e.soap dispensers, wicker baskets, salt shakers, duvet covers and Lacoste towels...visit your local TJX Corporation Affiliate. We put people first.

You're the reason everybody fired up this evening...

Another summer draws to a close, this one being a little more special that the rest.

Fresh outta high school, college just literally around the corner, the other 4our are about to disperse to each of their prestigious institutions…

A summer of working in deutsche bank London and afribank west Africa in lagos; one of good times, bad times, being far away and being close by…

As I leave lagos for pastures anew its time to say farewell to (as Mr Punch put it) my childhood summer… wouldn’t have gotten this far without u boys…

You amazing…

no matter what, that cant be taken away from you 4our...


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a summer farewell

*written on my new bb 8520

This summer was supposed to be the culmination of my chtdhood; those years in which I
reveled in the notion that a second chance always awaited me, demonstrations of
irresponsibility and vice were common, and I felt entitled to treatment and luxuries which
I had not earned. I fell back on my natural ability far too often; only more frequently did I use my words and
Position to offend.

That was my childhood. And quite frankly I'm proud of it.

But at the same time, I've learned from it-grown from it (or out of it). This summer has been without a doubt the launching pad
From which I begin my ascent to that perch I've had my eye on for 4 years now. This summer, I've realized
That my life, my legacy, truly begins. In three months alone, the stakes have been higher than ever before, the reults likewise.
Effort and innovation will determine my outcome.

Effort. And Innovation.

Farewell childhood - farewell summer.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ebony Eyes: Weekly Wrap Up: Vol.2

As promised...

" I just wanna take care of my family, got no respect for you if you not trying to do the right thing" - Jagged Edge