Monday, December 7, 2009

Tonight I Realized

I wrote this piece a little while ago, and I actually never intended to post it, send it, or really have it see the light of day. But I figured I've been sitting on it for long enough, and letting it sit there and gather dust is pointless. So Here's a poem of mine called Tonight I Realized. Let me know what you think.

Tonight I Realized

Tonight I realized why I keep some people at a distance,

and why those whom I hold close

only hear part of the description.

No one can see the way I see,

feel the way I feel,

Love to the extent that I love,

But from another perspective my love

was seen as a lack thereof.

Tonight I realized why dwell on things I shouldn't,

and try to rationalize and figure out why

she's upset with me for things I couldn't-

even fucking realize I did wrong,

it must mean that my mind's gone,

or maybe I'm just a waste,

But I know that's not the case,

well, at least I hope,

because this feeling that's building within my throat

is way worse than feeling broke

cause the feeling within my throat's

got me feeling like imma choke...

and I would get choked up,

but I'm a man and men don't cry,

but this glassy layer over my eye

says something a little different.

Tonight I realized that although I think I lost the war

there's more than enough reason to fight the war,

because I know what I'm truly fighting for,

and only I can fathom it's importance.

The key to my future, the meaning to my past,

and I hope you didn't believe it when you said

it didn't have a meaning...

Tonight I realized that despite how I want things to look,

this isn't a story book,

and no matter how hard I try

I can't bring Alice back to Wonderland.

But it is, or was, in my hands

to make her dreams her realities,

or at least make her reality

parallel her wildest dreams.

So as I sit and beg the mad hatter to abandon his clock

in hopes that time will also take time,

giving me time to make things right.

Because every girl deserves the chance to

live a fairy tale,

but this Jack is all Heart

and although he found his queen,

the union left his head in the clouds.

As Always,

Pax, Amore et Musica

1 comment:

  1. its quite a healthy topic, and at its length (depending on your interest in presentation) it can be edited for a shorter appeal. it has enough tough edged lines to make a ten line killer, or as is a slam. its repetitions, im taking a swing, were intentional and are inclined to stay, however they are arguable for the weakest portions. the topic was healthy, the approach or demeanor was a bit of a traveled route (which an edit could alter)

    key points, which are vital are the wordplay and allusions to other works. its got a web, but doesnt tangle itself in other works (like a song from modern day Common, vs. early mid 90s Common where he did little allusion, well blunt ones.)

    thanks for hitting me on twitter, let me know if any other projects come up.
