Monday, April 6, 2009

The Rain Drops Are Fallin' on My Head...

Let me begin by asserting this: the title has nothing to do with the post, it's just raining hard as hell outside. It is a little thought-provoking, the power of rain water. My Limnology (look that word up if you don't know what it means...) class went to a water treatment plant today where the Manager told us that for every square inch of rain water that falls, he is able to provide 12.8 million gallons of water. Excuse the misplacement of this next phrase but... 
Guy, that's awesome!
(Don't worry, I don't take myself seriously sometimes either.)

But seriously, it is intriguing. 12.8 million gallons of water per square inch of rain. The rain provides, cleanses, douses, replenishes, ensures, cools, among many other vital capabilities. It accumulates then carves, or shapes, or carries; and it eventually gathers, evaporates, and repeats. 
"Fascinating" (Bianco, The Quest)
It falls. And in doing so, at least for me, it focuses; its trance causes me to think in terms of present and future leaving me to forget the past. The rain adds definition to my once hazy ideas, transforming notions into actions - My reasons for choosing the college I'd like to attend for the next four years are just that: my reasons. And what's more is that I know they are valid, credible reasons. (This is going to sound strikingly within character, but I always give valid, credible reasons for everything I do.). I apologize for the aside, aimless banter. 
But seriously, I won't lie. I feel trapped, subdued, diluted even whenever I attempt to demonstrate why I want to do what I want to do, why I feel the way I feel, why I say the ***t I say. (It's 20% my blog so I rounded down and chose to show you only 25% of that profane word.) The rain releases me. 
On this day, I have indirectly been granted more confidence and lost more doubt. Why?
Well, as I ponder and wonder and write outside on my dorm's patio, the rain drops are fallin' on my head...

I guess the title is relevant.


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