Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Selection I: Springtime for Stalin

Let's try something new: Every Sunday, I'll post something. Seems normal, but here's the twist; instead of me giving the post a title, I'll let you, the reader, offer suggestions as to what the title should be. You can do this by clicking on the little comment link right underneath my initials. Please, don't let me down...

So, what to talk about, what to talk about...? I don't know - What about... the weather? No, too common. The social climate here at St. Paul's? Nah, that's played out. The social climate outside of St. Paul's? Ha nah, who cares about what's going on in the "real" world? Politics? Tiger (losing)? Spending the weekend with Mr. Burton? 
No, no, no, no... NO. 

Well, I'm at a loss. I've got nothing to write about. I have no teachers to complain about simply because - well quite frankly I don't care enough at this point in my high school career to complain; and sure, I see those who mean the most to me here at St. Paul's less because of their respective girlfriends and whatnot, but they're happy. All of them. Really happy. It'd be selfish of me to complain about seeing them less, chillin' with them less, talking to them less, laughing with them less (the list goes on)... (You see, if there is one thing I've learned from my time here at St. Paul's, it's been to focus less on the ME, and more on the WE. WE must graduate from here, WE must matriculate to prestigious universities, WE must make obscene and, quite frankly, disgusting amounts of money, and when it's all said and done, WE must give substantial portions of our substantial earnings to this institution, which played a substantial role in shaping our (I know substantial doesn't fit here but why the hell not... it's 1/5 my blog) substantial lives).

That's right. It's all about being "down for the team" as I like to put it; sacrificing one's self, for that which is bigger than him (I'm not a sexist, it's just that in the context of the 5ive, "her" doesn't fit.). Seriously, though. I recognize fully that in our last six - seven weeks together, it is most important to pursue that which makes you most happy; to establish connections with those who you've failed to do so with (that reads awkwardly, sorry) previously; to ensure a legacy for your name on this campus and with your peers, so on and so forth. I get all of that. I get its about US and not ME, I get its about the TEAM, and not MYSELF. No, I am not resentful of any of you girls who've consumed the lives of my closest friends - quite frankly, I've gotten to know you all a lot better as a result. In fact, I am grateful of your presence(s) because you've enriched the lives of those closest to me, and me, actually. 

I thank you - all of you- who've helped me realize these things.


P.S. everything contained in () was written in jest and I am unsure if those jokes truely reflect the feelings of Management. I'm only 1 of 5ive. 


  1. I'll have to reflect on it's meaning, but it has a refreshing ring to it..
